About Us

This is for You

We all have different journeys -- distinct stories. None of us think alike, none of us look alike, we all follow differing paths however the thing that connects us is that we all strive to be the best version of ourselves in that journey. Have you ever found yourself lost in a sea of motivational quotes, buried in personal development books, creating vision boards or planners? Sometimes all you need is that reminder that you are on the right track, you are special, you are where you are supposed to be, you are the start of change or a shift in mindset.

You attract what you put out 
("The Idea")

Forever Mood Clothing was created based on "The Idea." We aim to set that reminder by providing affordable high quality motivational clothing with the intention of inciting a sense of self-love, self-pride, self-development and never ending personal growth. Your Forever Mood may not just be a description of yourself; it can be your lifestyle, your current mindset or even your goal mindset. Your existence and your energy is powerful and necessary. Let that show... 

The Vision & Goal

Forever Mood Clothing is a small black owned business founded in 2021 in the ever growing state of New York. We believe everyone deserves to be inspired by and to exemplify their forever mood. Our goal is to provide motivational clothing to those in the United States and ultimately to those around the world. Each product is made by order with lots of love and is inspected for the highest quality.

Our Forever Moods are... 

Browse through our collection of products and find your...



Forever Mood Clothing Owner, Kelly G